Tufts, Somerville, MA
1 Bed
1 Bath
Available: 07/01/2025
Rent prices for units in luxury buildings change frequently subject to floor level, view, floor plan, and market conditions. Call for latest pricing.
Heat & Hot Water Included

Amenities & Apartment Information


Fitness Center
Laundry in Building



Property Description

Somerville is a popular suburb located northwest of Boston. Known for its restaurants, shopping and easy commute to the city, it is no wonder the town has experienced so much growth. Somerville is conveniently located near major highways and public transportation. One of the most popular local attractions is Assembly Row. The outdoor community includes shopping, restaurants, a movie theater, fitness centers and more! With everything from steakhouses to a bowling alley, there is no shortage of activities for everyone to enjoy. Feeling outdoorsy? There are plenty of parks and green spaces. With both beauty and charm, Somerville is a great suburb of Boston to live in.

Transportation Options
Broadway @ College Ave Bus Stop 0.1 mi (1 min away)
Broadway @ Walker St Bus Stop 0.1 mi (2 min away)
College Ave @ Broadway Bus Stop 0.0 mi (1 min away)
College Ave @ Kidder Ave Bus Stop 0.1 mi (2 min away)
College Ave @ Summit St Bus Stop 0.1 mi (2 min away)

Nearby Places
Ball Square Cafe
Lyndell's Bakery
Sound Bites Cafe
Taco Party
True Grounds


Price Comparison

This apartment is above the average price of $2,474 for 1 bedroom apartments in Somerville. The unit includes some utilities. If you consider the cost of paying for these utilities separately, you may find that having them included in the rent saves you money. The other amenities this apartment offers, along with its condition, location, and size, can also contribute to the above average rent price. Reach out to our agent to schedule a showing or request a rental application.

Average Rent Prices for 1 Bedroom Apartments in Somerville

Rent Calculator & Affordability

Recommended Annual Gross Income

$108,000 - $129,600
A range of 25-30% is usually the recommended amount of household or combined gross income to spend on rent. This is also what many landlords are looking for in a prospective tenant, a group of roommates, or their cosigner(s). Remember, this is just a suggestion and does not take into account any other expenses you may have.

Rent Calculator

How much do you (or your cosigner) earn each year before taxes?

High Range

35% of Gross Income


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Mid Range

25% of Gross Income


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Low Range

15% of Gross Income


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