Top 10 Tips for Boston Subletting from the Boardwalk Properties Experts

At Boardwalk Properties, our team of real estate experts is here to help make the subletting process as easy as possible. If you are planning to rent out your Boston apartment, there are a lot of factors to consider. In order to make the subletting process as smooth and seamless as possible, we have used our extensive experience to gather together a definitive list of tips that you can keep in mind before you set out to interview potential renters.
- Make sure to ask permission first – If you don’t own your property and are just renting, you need to check with your landlord to make sure you aren’t breaking any rules. By taking the time to double-check your lease, you could save yourself a lot of trouble and avoid the risk of being evicted.
- Background Checks – Since you’re basically taking on the role of a landlord here, you will want to do yourown due diligence and ensure that the renter has a clean record and is a desirable candidate.
- Approach people you know first – In order to save time, start by asking family and friends if they are looking to sublet. Choosing a stranger always leaves the risk that things can get ugly.
- Put your sublease in writing – Verbal agreements are fast and easy but utterly useless if problems arise. By putting a sublease in writing, you now have a binding, legal contract that will protect you and guarantee that you won’t get taken advantage of.
- Clean apartment – If you want to increase your chances of success, think about the subletting process from the renter’s experience. Would you be tempted to put money down on a dirty, messy apartment? Of course not! Give your place a good cleaning before any visitors show up.
- Cancel your cable – In the chaos of moving out and finding a replacement, it’s not difficult to imagine that certain tasks get altogether forgotten. One item that should be added to the top of your to-do list is this: cancel your cable. Otherwise, renters will get a free ride on your account.
- Research pricing – Before you set the price, do your research. The industry is in constant fluctuation, and you want to make sure you don’t overcharge or lose out on extra cashif that is an option. Set a fair price and you’ll have an easier time getting people in the door and interested.
- Ask for references – Just like the background check, you can’t be too careful. It’s totally okay to ask for references, as this is part of a standard procedure that landlords abide by.
- Take photos – While it’s unusual for a subletter to completely wreck your apartment, give yourself the extra assurance you need by taking “before” photos of every room so that you can prove your innocence in case any issues get taken to court.
- Take time – While it can be tempting to accept the first offer that comes your way just to wash your hands of this whole stressful business, think again. Subletting is one area that requires patience and careful consideration. You don’t want to make a rash decision and then worry about payments not coming in on time and other issues.
If you or someone you know is about to embark upon the subletting journey, we can help. By using our tips you can truly get a leg up on the whole process and stay armed with all the information you need. For answers to all your questions, simply fill out this contact form and we will reach out in no time! Good luck!