The Importance of Renter’s Insurance

Alright, so you finally found, signed, and paid for your new Boston apartment. You’re all ready to move in, but there’s one thing you may be forgetting: renter’s insurance.
Far too many renters in Boston think that renter’s insurance is an unnecessary expense, but nothing could be farther from the truth. First of all, renter’s insurance can be extremely inexpensive, sometimes costing as little as $5 a month. It’s also relatively easy to acquire; some providers allow you to purchase renter’s insurance over the phone.
But while renter’s insurance can be cheap and easy to acquire, that doesn’t underplay it’s usefulness. Hopefully, you never need to call on your renter’s insurance, but if a situation does arise where the possessions in your apartment are damaged, you’ll be glad you have it. Think of all the valuable items housed in your apartment: your television, computer, clothes, books, furniture, and more. If there were a fire or flood in your apartment, all of these items could be damaged, possibly forever. With renter’s insurance, you’ll know that even if your belongings are destroyed, you’ll be able to replace them as best as possible.
For such a small, painless price, not buying renter’s insurance is too great a risk to take. So if you’re renting an apartment in Boston this year, make sure you get insurance to protect everything in your unit.